Welcome to Four Corners Animal League

Helping creatures without a voice

Four Corners Animal League works to insure that every pet has a safe and loving home.
We are reducing the population of unwanted dogs and cats through spaying,

neutering and education programs making this a safer community for all of us.

Four Corners Animal League has made a huge difference in the lives of thousands of animals in Taos County and beyond. Pet overpopulation is a staggering problem here in Taos and costs many animals their lives.

Beyond the neglect and abuse of unwanted pets.

Thousands of dollars in revenue is spent trying to deal with issues that arise from unwanted animals wandering the streets and roads of the valley. Even the best-intentioned family or individual can be overwhelmed with the needs of a growing number of pets in their household.

Since 2000, Four Corners Animal Leagues has paid for the spaying and neutering of over 14,000 dogs and cats in the Taos area. Through their low cost/no cost spay and neuter program, and in conjunction with the veterinarians in the valley, Four Corners Animal League is changing the fate of animals across Northern New Mexico.

A black and white dog sitting in the grass.
A group of dogs in the back of a car.

We have transferred over 5,000 animals to Colorado to be placed in good homes.

Though education we are getting the message out, every animal needs protection, every dog and cat deserves shelter and food and a loving home. These friends without voices need our protection and our help. Four Corners Animal League helping creatures without a voice.

Four Corners Animal League is not an animal shelter. We have no central location for processing animals. Instead we are actively involved in education through Taos County. We conduct our programs at elementary schools and door-to-door, discussing loving care of pets and all living creatures. Our education always urges spaying and neutering and focuses on the suffering that occurs when unwanted animals proliferate in a small community.

We also have a foster care program through which individuals throughout the community foster the care of animals we find abandoned or mistreated. The community has responded with much love in offering to care for animals at their homes until we can find placement for them. We are always in need of responsible foster care.

Thank you so much for you generous support in the past.

We honor the fact that you set aside some of your hard working money to support FCAL. Your donations have done so much good for so many animals. Here’s a few stories

A black and white dog with a yellow collar


Panhco was found in a culvert with deep bite wounds on his neck. FCAL paid for medical care and shots

A close up of a dog 's face with a blurry background


Buddy was dumped. He was very scared an afraid of people. FCAK socialized with him. We gave him his shots and found him a home.

A cat is sitting in the sun looking at something.


Kourtney was fund in a dumpster. She was very feral 7 hungry. FCAL spayed her, gave her shots and testing for feline leukemia FIV. She’s still shy but always eager to eat.

A dog is laying on the ground in front of a window.

Baby Boy

Baby Boy was trapped & found with injuries. FCAL paid for his medical costs, socialized, neutered and gave him shots. We also found him a forever home