Animal Services
Animal Services in Taos NM Contact numbers

Salazar Veterinary (575) 758-9115
Taos Veterinary (575) 758-7310
Angel Fire Small Animal Hospital (575) 377-3165
Espanola Clinic for Free Spay and Neuter (505) 753-0228
Planned Pethood (575) 613-4110
Zimmer Feline Foundation (505) 466-1676
Feral Feline and Friends (575) 737-9208
Stray Hearts Animal Shelter (575) 758-2981
Colorado Puppy Rescue (303) 807-9318
Call Dispatch to report stray dogs or abuse /neglect (575) 758-2216
Pet Resort boarding 10000 Wags (575) 751-9247